
Please consider making a donation today by using the form below. Note that we can now accept recurring, monthly donations! If you prefer, you can also mail your tax-deductible donation check to P.O. Box 256, Lincoln, MA 01773. Thank you!

Make a gift in someone's honor!

Did someone inspire a love of learning in you along the way? A parent, aunt, family friend, or teacher. Honor their impact by sending a special "Thank You" through a donation to the LSF! A handwritten note will be sent to the person/s you have honored notifying them of the gift. Unless requested, the note will not give the amount of the gift. 

Don't forget corporate matching gifts!

Double the impact of your donation with a matching gift from your employer. If you or your spouse work for a company offering a matching gift philanthropy program, please fill out your company's form so the LSF can take advantage of this great opportunity.

Interested in becoming a Community Sponsor?

Light the was as a community sponsor. Your organization will be featured on the LSF website, and you will get a “Light the Way” gift from LSF. Simply enter your organization or business name when you donate.


“Of course, a foundation signifies nothing unless it can raise the money needed for grants. Its success will be measured not only by the grants made, but by its ability to raise funds from the community it purports to serve.”

Lincoln School Foundation's Founding Trustees, 1988